Behind The Tea, Edition 1
It's been a while since I've blogged. I really enjoy writing but it often falls to the wayside because product creation, photoshoots, and customer service/fulfillment come first.
However, the other day I had a spark of joy and inspiration and wanted to start sharing more of the behind the scenes of both steady and flight and my life!
So here comes the newest blog series and I'm calling it "Behind The Tea!"
It'll be 3-5 things each week that I want to share with you. Ideas I've had, products I love, and just the general goings on in my life.
For this first edition let's jump right in:

1. First of all, last week I launched my steady and flight apothecary products! I am OBSESSED with the London Fog scent and so are my customers - it outsold the other scents 10 to 1.
I use the soap & lotion every single day. We have the Lavender Fields in our en suite bathroom and the Citrus Mint in the guest bathroom. It's so amazing to use my own products everyday and love them more and more and more!
2. We had lots of highs this last week with the launch of the new products, but also some lows. My sweet senior kitty MoMo was having some health issues - vomiting and a low appetite. We are still waiting on some diagnostic tests to confirm but we're pretty sure she has IBD - Inflamed Bowel Disease. It means she'll be on steroids the rest of her life but so far they seem to be making her much more comfortable. Keep her and us in your thoughts and prayers as we do the rest of the tests to confirm.
3. A product I've been using and am obsessed with: Blueland dishwasher tablets! When we moved to LA 8 months ago one of the things I was most excited about was the dishwasher. We lived in an old house for 7 years with no dishwasher. However, once we moved in I remembered that a lot of dishwasher tablets are full of plastic and come in plastic packaging!
Then I remembered Blueland. There is a starter set that comes with a bag of tablets and a tin to keep them in. Then you just purchase the refill bags - which are compostable!
I love how great they are for the environment AND they work so well! Highly recommend!
4. A little behind the scenes with s+f: I'm working on bringing in new scents for our apothecary products for the Fall & Winter. A coffee scent was much requested and I really want to see if I can make that work. Of course, I also want to bring in the Masala Chai scent for the Fall and test out a few others as well!
I'm also working on a refill launch! When creating these apothecary products I really wanted to make sure they were eco-friendly so I'm creating a refill program. The refills will come in an aluminum bottle and you'll be able to send back empty ones to be reused and you'll get a discount code in exchange for recycling them with us!
I'm hoping to launch these in mid-August!

That's it for the first edition of Behind The Tea!
Until next week!
I love you and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it,
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