Dear Friend, Live Your Most Outrageously Beautiful Life

Dear friend,

Let me ask you a hard question: are you living your most outrageously beautiful life or are you getting in your own way?

I know you don’t mean to be...

But maybe it feels easier to limit yourself instead of making mistakes.

Maybe it feels easier to look away instead of face a life of adventure.

Maybe it feels easier to numb yourself to both the good AND the bad because feeling both seems like too much.

I have lived in the numb place, in the looking away place, and the “in my own way” place. Those places kept me hidden and small and quiet. They even quieted my dreams and desires until I couldn’t hear the call of my own soul.

Until one particular day, nothing was quiet anymore. On that day my best friend died and everything inside of me screamed as it was coming alive again. As if it were burning with the pain of death.

And in that awakening, I felt so much anguish. But I also felt joy and love and companionship and softness and comfort and rest.

My un-numbing wasn’t a choice but it did shift everything in me. Suddenly, I knew how much I could lose by sitting on the sidelines. How much I could lose by letting life pass me by as I walk slowly on the shoulder.

So I started to face my life with my eyes and arms wide open. Started to see the corners that were once in shadow come into focus and into the sunlight. And embracing the knowledge that the gift of love and of life is treacherous but worth it.

You don’t need to experience a great loss to make huge changes in your heart. It’s small decisions that you choose every day: mistakes you make, steps you dance, and hearing that quiet voice knowing it will grow louder and more confident the more you listen.

Living your most outrageously beautiful life will be the easiest and hardest choice you will make. 

But it means living without regrets, without what-ifs.

I dare you to step into the sunlight, my dear friend. You have everything you need and I’ll be here cheering you on through it all. The good times, the celebrations, the hard moments, and all the adventures you’ll certainly have. 

What a life we’ll lead, darling. What an outrageously beautiful life.

I love you and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it,


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