Dear Friend Series: We'll Make It Through This Too

Dear Friend,

I am thinking about you today. Thinking about how you may be hurting or struggling. Thinking about you celebrating birthdays, births, anniversaries, and other moments in your life during a difficult time.

When hard things happen we can feel paralyzed and restless and afraid. Sometimes we throw ourselves into work and others times we are just doing our best to get to the end of each day.

Every time I start to feel like I can't keep going I remember the other hard times in my life I've lived through. I think about the year there wasn't much work and money was so tight that each month I felt I was holding my breath and crossing my fingers that we'd make it. I think about losing my best friend in 2017 and how I didn't know how I would get through it. But I did.

And just like every hard thing you've been through in your life, you'll make it through this too.

We get through it by getting up each day and putting one foot in front of the other. Even if that just means moving from the bed to the couch. There's no "right" way to get through this. There is just "through." We will get to the other side. And I'll be there for you in all of it.

You are not alone, my darling. I am standing with you and holding onto you tight as you walk through this difficult moment.

I love you and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it,



  • Mary Young

    This is beautiful, Sara. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. ❤️

  • Sid

    Thank you, Sara. It has been a really rough week for us also. I am here for you, too! We are all in this together and will get through it together as well. Xoxo

  • Keri

    I love this, and you, so much. Thanks for this <3

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